Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.john 16:21

Ways I can support you

  • Pregnancy

    lending library-books available, resource list, answer questions, childbirth course, create a customized birth plan.

  • Birth

    On call services, continuous emotional and physical support during labor

    up to 2 hours of post birth support.

  • Postpartum

    Postpartum support, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diaper education, sleep help. Emotional and physical support.

Kind Words from families I have served.

Read more testimonials by clicking the link:


Elizabeth was present, compassionate, helpful and professional from the beginning to the end of my pregnancy and then on into postpartum. She was always quick to answer my list of questions and had a wealth of resources to share when I needed them. She has found her calling as an amazing doula. I could not have made it through a difficult pregnancy, delivery of a 10 pound baby and some issues with postpartum without Elizabeth. Everyone needs a compassionate doula in their corner and I am forever grateful I had Elizabeth in mine!


From the moment Elizabeth and I started talking/texting, and me just asking her a million questions gathering information on what a doula was and if I really wanted to use one - she was so informative and reassuring on all my labor/delivery worries. I was carrying as a surrogate, so I knew this pregnancy and birth would be different. Meeting her in person months before delivery, convinced me even more that I wanted her by my side. She had such a calming presence, confidence about her knowledge and love for pregnancy and birth, and I knew that's what I wanted in my delivery room! The weeks and days leading up to delivery, I had so many questions and random thoughts I felt like I was overloading her with, but she was always there instantly full of support, reassurance and clearly a love for what she's doing! Having Elizabeth there by my side during labor and delivery was the biggest help for me. What could have been a hectic and stressful day, she kept calm. She had the right touch, the right words, the constant uplifting reassurance all exactly when I needed it - and I can't forget the beautiful pictures she was able to capture!!! I am now 2 days postpartum and she is still full of so much love and support, helping me navigate emotions and breast pumping. I will forever be thankful to have met her and her to have been part of my journey!!


I was told “you will never regret hiring a doula, but you will regret not having one” and that statement couldn’t be more true! I genuinely don’t know what my birth would of been like without Elizabeth. She was incredibly tentative to me and somehow stayed relax during our high stress situation when my birth didn’t go as planned. She truly persevered with us for over 15 hours and kept my husband and I reassured that every decision we came across was the right one. I highly recommend Elizabeth, especially if it’s your first birth like mine. We don’t know what we would of done without her and we’re forever grateful for her endless birth support!
